Saturday, February 11, 2017

What is this all about

Life will teach.

This is a statement.  Some may say it is an opinion.  Others may say it is a fact.  For me, it is a Truth.  That does not mean it is A truth.  It means that for me it is a fundamental understanding of the nature of reality - Life will teach.  What Life teaches is not for me to declare or state.  All I can do is share what I believe I have learned from Life.  It is my perspective.  It is not, nor meant to be, your perspective.  You may or may not agree with my perspective.  For me, that's OK.  Mine is but one thread in what I see as the tapestry of Life.  You are also a unique thread colored by who you are and how you hold your Life experiences.

So I invite you to read what I write.  Take it in.  Sit with it.  Then, if you desire, respond to it.  I prefer measured, reasoned, thoughtful responses, which I will attempt to offer in return.  But whatever you wish to share with me will be taken in, considered, and responded to.  Hopefully creating a dialogue.  I do not and will not consider myself the last word on a subject, but remember we are each entitled to our opinions.  I will do my best to honor yours.  Please do your best to honor mine.  To the extent possible, I ask that we try to avoid personal attacks.  If you choose to attack me, I may or may not respond to it.  More than likely I will simply accept it as your opinion.  But I can imagine myself, from time to time, asking you to further explain your position with the hopes of engaging in dialogue.

One last thing.  My posts may be short.  Please feel free to ask me to say more if you are interested in hearing more.  Again, I am glad to engage in dialogue.  I want this blog space to be interactive.